POS Data Exchange


The module Kassendatenaustausch (POS Data Exchange) is the easy option to exchange data (master data or document data) with an external merchandise management system and our cash register software.


  • Import of product groups, products and customer data

  • Import and booking of voucher data

  • Export of cash data

The field can also be left empty as start value. The export starts with the current day. Goods, categories, products, customers, order numbers and supplier numbers are imported. The cash journal and in / out payments are exported.

In the case of document importation in the POS data exchange, the data are parked if no payment is specified. Texts beginning with #IT are information texts and are only displayed in the selection, but are not accepted into the document.

In the training version, no test bookings with the POS Data Exchange are possible.

Format versions

Data types


  1. Data must be saved with the code page 1252 Windows Latin 1, otherwise umlauts will not be accepted correctly

  2. An older version of ETRON can be transferred to a newer version of ETRON, but not vice versa

  3. File names are provided with a date / time or a running number

  4. The exchange takes place in a freely definable directory

  5. The field names must be specified as the header line

  6. The order of the fields is arbitrary

  7. Fields that are not needed in any record can be omitted

  8. If the respective configuration requires the presence of certain fields, an appropriate message is output during the import

  9. The values of the department Department/Main Equipment Group/Department (Abt/Hwg/Wag) must be indicated in two digits Update in Version 5.710: The values can now also be 1-digit

  10. The directory for the data exchange is defined in the basic value ID 612 / Kassendatenaustausch-Verzeichnis

  11. The last value for the journal export is set in the basic value ID 613 / Kassendatenaustausch-Letzte Position

  12. The exchange of the document data takes place automatically in the background. For this purpose, the base value ID 619 / Kassendatenaustausch-Autom. Verarbeitung has to be activated

  13. The names of the quantity units must match the values stored in ETRON Mengeneinheiten

  14. When the DEP is activated, the format must be updated to version 9

  15. Always use the latest format version


If the document data is to be automatically posted - the payment medium is transferred, then the basic value ID 122 / Centausgleich to Nein (No) and the basic value ID 626 / Standardbeleg automatisch drucken to Ja (Yes).

Master data


In order for the master data to be automatically updated, the file STM.RDY must be created with no or any content after creating the data files. After the master data has been posted, the import files are deleted from the import. The next data provision is not allowed until the file has been deleted. To import the ma




See also product update

Product Groups


All product groups must always be handed over. Product groups can be seen as a tree structure: Abt → Hwg → Wag.




Title + Given Name + Surname may be maximum 30 characters long. For companies, the company name is written under surname. If the space is not sufficient, the fields Name2 and Name3 can be used.

If a 6-digit customer number is to be transmitted, the fieldlength in ETRON must be changed by default from 5 to 6 digits.


Document import

Since the productnames are not taken over from the productmaster, the productnames must be entered in the „Text“ column!


1) Required for record type KZ

2), 3), 4), 5), 6) Required for record type VK

7) Record type ZM: a cash entered in the means of payment Record type VK: the productname Record type TX: the additional text

Record type KZ / Header line

Record type VK / Selling

Record type TX / Textline

Record type RA / product discount

Record type G / Total discount

Record type ZM / means of payment

The payment method „BAR“ is used to indicate the amount paid in cash. If too few means of payment are indicated, the remainder is considered as bar. The means of payment are all the means of payment indicated in the basic value definitions Zahlungsmitteln (Payment methods).

If no payment method is specified, the import is parked and can be loaded and booked in the cash desk. Texts beginning with #IT are in this context infotexts which are displayed when loading but are not accepted to the document.

Cancellation bookings

If a cancellation is sent, the amount and the amount of the payment medium must be negative values.

Record type EA / Deposit/Payout

An EA booking can not be mixed with a normal document.

There can only be one EA booking per file.


Example 1: Open sale

Open sale means no payment method is given.

Example 2: Open sale with discount

Open sale means no payment method is given.

Example 3: Open sale with discount and pledge

Open sale means no payment method is given.

Example 4: Closed sale with cash

Closed sale means a payment method is given.

Example 5: Cancellation

Import result

Filename: BL*.RES

After the BL*.csv file is written, a file with the same filename and any content or null must be created with the .RDY extension. When this file is created, the data is imported. After the import the .RDY file will be deleted. From this point, the result of the import is available in the same file name with the extension .RES.



Filename: JO*.CSV

In order to get the journal data from automatic processing, the file JRN.RDY must be created with any content or null and written to the exchange directory. After the journal file has been created, the JRN.RDY file is deleted. From this point, the data may be accessed.

If a retroactive export is to be carried out, the desired date must be entered in the basic value-ID 613 / Kassendatenaustausch-last position The format for this is: yyyymmddssssssssss year/month/day/sequencenumber. Example: 20160801000000000.

Since a separate exchange of data can be carried out in each ETRON, no entry of the station or branch is included in the journal file. It is therefore not possible to carry out the exchange for branches in a central office or to assign branches to the journal files.


  • VK = Selling

  • RT = Cancellation

  • RA = Discount per product

  • RG = Discount/overall

  • TX = Textline

  • MS = TAX Sum

  • ZM = Payment method

  • BZ = Payment

  • KR = Credit

  • KB = Credit payment

  • AG = Deposit / Payment

  • TA = Daily closing


Error numbers in the response file

Filename: BL*.RES

External invoices

Payments that refer to an external merchandise management must be posted as record type „VK“ and begin with the text specified in the basic value ID 621 / Postionstext externer Belegzahlungen. This is followed by the document number. The maximum length of the text is 25 characters. For longer texts, the document number must be transferred as a text line in the following sentence.

Step 1

Define the article for the external assignment

Create a new article Text1: „Belegzahlung Nr“ VAT: 0

Step 2

Create an export file (BL*.csv) with the entry in the external merchandise management


Step 3

Select the document in the parked sales

Load parked sales

Step 4

Select the document and go to the checkout with <Enter> / <F10>

External receipt in ETRON

Step 5

Collect the receipt

External receipt as bill

Step 6

Import journaling data to the external merchandise management

The transferred invoice number is then displayed in the journal file with the ETRON document number in the first line of the ETRON document number.

Datum: 08.11.2016 Verfasser: SAM

Importing Products

The AR*.CSV is provided by the WaWi of the customer. To tell ETRON a record change, there are 3 possibilities:

  1. To re-import products and assign a new item number, leave the „Item number“ and „HstEan“ columns blank. ETRON imports these products and creates them with a new article EAN.

  2. To import articles with an existing item number that has less than 7 digits, the item number of the preceding merchandise management system must be entered in the „Artikelnummer“ column.

  3. To import articles with an existing item number that has more than 7 digits, the article number of the preceding merchandise management system is to be entered as EAN in the column „HstEan“.

This article number is entered as a new internal article EAN.

In every case a new product-number will be created.

In order to get the article EANs to the article numbers of the preceding merchandise management system in case 1, it is recommended to make an article export. Open the generated Artikel.dbf with Microsoft® Excel®, read the EAN numbers and add them to the corresponding products of the WaWi.




The AR * .CSV is provided by the WaWi of the customer. Before the changed products an additional line with the keyword EANZUORT is entered in the column „Bestellnummer“.

The line with the key value “EANZUORT” in the column “Bestellnummer” above the following product is for updated products only, not for non existing ones!



If you have any questions about module „Cashbox Data Exchange“ send an e-mail including a sample file to support@etron.at.


Last updated

(c)2024 ETRON Softwareentwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH